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Tenant V/s Occupant – What’s the difference?


The terms “tenant” and “occupant” describe individuals living in a rental property. Knowing the difference between a tenant and an occupant is important and can help landlords and property managers enforce necessary rules and agreements for individuals living in a rental. Additionally, it can help tenants and occupants understand their responsibilities while living in a rental home. That said, rental owners must find responsible tenants who will respect and care for the property for the entire tenancy. As such, having a comprehensive property management team with a thorough screening process is a must to ensure top-notch tenants.

When it comes to rental housing, tenants and occupants aren’t necessarily the same. For instance, tenants sign a legally binding contract with the landlord and are responsible for paying rent and following lease terms. However, an occupant is simply authorized to live in a rental with the landlord’s permission. As such, they sometimes have different responsibilities or protections than tenants

Areas Covered in this Training:

· What Is a Tenant?
· What Is an Occupant?
· Unauthorized vs. Authorized Occupants
· Authorized Occupants
· How to Avoid Unauthorized Occupants
· Tenants vs. Occupants - Rights and Responsibilities
· Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
· Occupant Rights and Responsibilities

Why Attend this Training:

Knowing the definitions of a tenant and an occupant can help rental owners and managers understand their legal rights and obligations while dealing with tenants and occupants.

The objective of the course is to keep you in compliance with fair housing regulations. Non- compliance can cost $$ as well as time to provide a defence. By learning strategies from this course will help you stay compliant and never have a fair housing complaint.

Suggested Attendees:

· Property Managers
· Property owners
· Maintenance Staff
· Leasing Consultants
· PHAs


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