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HR Auditing in 2023: Auditing Tools, Current Trends, Goals and Critical Components

HR Auditing in 2023: Tools, Trends and Goals


Does your organization consider the strategic, operational, and compliance related impact of its human capital decisions on its ability to achieve its business goals and objectives? Does your human capital help your organization achieve its management goals? Are your employment policies and practices creating material risks and liabilities? 

The threats and risks from human resource management issues are increasing. No longer measured in only fines, penalties, and awards for non-compliance, human resource management affects keys business metrics, including the organization’s valuation and credit rating. Further, improper human resource management can significantly reduce managerial prerogatives and seriously damage the organization’s reputation and employment brand. 

As a result, HR audits have become an important tool in identifying problem areas and are increasingly evolving from an ad hoc audit activity to a critical element of an organization’s risk management and compliance processes. 

HR audits and assessments play an increasingly important role in managing an organization. Like other management tools, HR audits help organizations access, manage, and monitor the successes and failures of their use of key resources and help them plan for future requirements. Join us this March to gain an understanding of the required elements for improving their organization’s performance.


Get Answers to 

-What are the current trends in Human Resources Auditing 2023?
-What are the critical components of an HR audit?
-How to effectively use the HR auditing tools?


What We will Discuss 

-A discussion on senior management’s HR auditing goals and issues 
-A discussion on economic, political, regulatory and social factors affecting HR audits
-A discussion on the development of the HR Audit Scorecard


Factors Affecting the HR Audits in 2023 

Numerous external forces and factors have an impact on the demand for and scope of HR audits. First, in the global economy, human capital has become for many organizations the single most important determinant of competitiveness, productivity, sustainability and profitability. Increasingly, the organization’s human capital is the source of innovation and a driver of business success.  

Second, a confluence of economic, political, and social factors, including corporate scandals, the failure of organizations to adequately assess risks, and increasing stockholder initiatives, have resulted in increased statutory and regulatory requirements, a call for greater transparency, and increased internal and external audit activity. 

Third, governmental agencies have become more active — some would argue more aggressive — and have committed more resources to conducting assessments of employment policies and practices.  Importantly, the EEOC, the OFCCP, U.S. DOL, and ICE have advised employers that they consider self-assessments and audits a “best practice.” 

In this environment, identifying and assessing human capital related risks have become a critical element of an organization’s success. As a result, an organization’s ability to audit and manage these risks plays an important role in helping it succeed.


Why You Should Attend 

HR audits can assist your organization identify the weaknesses and failures of its human resource management and employment practices compliance activities. 

HR Audits can further help your organization identify critical issues effecting the management of this important asset and provide an indication of your organization’s commitment to identifying and ferreting out unlawful practices and processes. 

Thus, your use of HR audits should consider strategic and tactical issues, identify risks, assess compliance, and develop both quantitative and qualitative methods and measurements to assess those risks. 

Your HR audit activities should help you assess your organization’s performance and should provide you with data that will allow you to evaluate human capital outcomes. 

Join us this March to learn about the development and use of HR Audits in answering the important questions and in addressing critical risk management and due diligence issues.


Who will Benefit 

-HR professionals
-Internal and external auditors
-Business owners 
-Compliance managers
-Risk managers
-All companies


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