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FMLA Compliance in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide & Strategies for Effective Implementation


What’s new? What’s the same? FMLA management is critical for any company with 50 or more employees. And what should have been a simple law has become quite complicated in today’s workplace. To qualify, you need 50 or more employees in a 75-mile radius, but does that mean all your remote employees aren’t eligible? (Hint: It depends!)


What about the four-day a week schedule? Does that change the FMLA benefit? What about mandatory overtime?


The possibility of FMLA overlapping with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), the increase of discrimination claims and wrongful termination allegations by employees, it is no wonder that this long time leave process is an administrative nightmare for Employers.


Many employers are confused about what to do if an employee requests additional leave to manage their illness or their family member’s illnesses. Should Employers extend the unpaid leave on a case-by-case basis or should they limit those decisions across the board? Additionally, when does the ADA supersede FMLA? Are there reasonable accommodations that can be offered? Does the Employer risk violations when making these decisions? All these things plus tackling fitness for duty, doctor’s notes, and when you can contact someone on FMLA will be covered in this webinar.


Areas Covered in this Training –

-Who is eligible for FMLA?
               -Remote workers?
               -Boomerang workers?
               -What is a qualified family member?

-Understanding Serious health condition definition and eligibility
-Intermittent FMLA rules            
               -When someone doesn’t work 40 hours a week
               -Make call-in rules your best friend

Medical certification and Recertification rules
-How does ADA fit? When do FMLA & ADA may overlap?
-What is FMLA retaliation?
-Fitness for Duty
-When you can contact an employee on FMLA
-Mental Health and FMLA
-Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA)


Why Attend this Training-

In this training, you’ll learn the basics of FMLA and how to handle the daily processes. Protect your employer by keeping the rules and supporting your employees. Many companies struggle with FMLA–following the rules actually makes it easier! FMLA mistakes can cost big bucks and prevent your employees from getting the time and support they need to recover from illness or injury, bond with a baby, or take care of a loved one. If you struggle setting boundaries with your employees on intermittent FMLA this will help you understand the limitations and benefits to you and your employees.


Suggested Attendees-

-Business Owners
-Human Resources professionals
-HR Managers & Supervisors
-Project Managers
-Team Leaders
-Compliance professionals
-Operations professionals
-In-house counsel

You may ask your Question directly to our expert during the Q&A session.



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