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2022 Responding to EEOC Discrimination Charges

How to Respond to EEOC Discrimination Charges in 2022

An employee has rights to sue your organization, if there occurs violations to anti-discrimination laws. Before that, the employee has to file a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or a similar state agency, which then reaches out to the employer of the charge. If the employers fail to present a strong "position statement," they are likely to fail in defending themselves against the suit.

This position statement is an opportunity for the employers to provide their stance on the subject. This is where the employers may claim the allegations pressed against them are false. It is basically the first impression the employer makes with the EEOC which can determine the future of the lawsuit.

So it is of utmost importance to gain as much knowledge as you can gain in this regard as possible, so if such a situation arises, you are fully prepared.

In Fiscal Year 2021, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) received 67,448 discrimination cases. Think about it, we have 200 workdays a year – so this equates to over 337 per day or over 42 every hour. Sheer numbers indicate that it’s just a matter of time before a discrimination charge crosses your desk. Get the information you need NOW to be prepared.

The fact is discrimination charges are now just one of the risks of doing business. Proper preparation is the key to winning charges of discrimination, but properly responding to a Charge of Discrimination is never fun. Join us on Pearleducation this September to learn about the discrimination charges that non-compliance is likely to bring.



Get Answers to

-What are the discrimination charges filed with the EEOC?
-How to read between the lines of a discrimination charge?
-Should you hire an attorney and when?
-What is “Non-binding” Mediation and should we accept mediation?
-How to outline and prepare your case?
-What documentation do you need?
-Is it beneficial to obtain statements from witnesses or managers?
-What is the importance of having work standards?
-How to handle requests for additional information?



Why You Should Attend

Being prepared for the inevitable is time and money well spent. It's only a matter of time before a Discrimination Charge crosses your desk. The cost of this training is the same as 15 minutes of an attorney’s time.  



Who will Benefit

-Human Resources professionals
-Payroll administrators
-Benefits professionals
-Business managers
-Business owners
-All Companies in the United States with 15 or more employees are subject to Federal Equal Employment Opportunity laws

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